Oct 15, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

Admission Policies

Undergraduate Admission Categories and Policies

The admission policies of Rogers State University conform to the curricular requirements established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and are consistent with the mission of the University. Rogers State University complies with the Code of Federal Regulations Part 668 Subpart B Section 668.18 and Subpart J Section 668.142. Requirements for admission to Rogers State University are subject to change without prior notice.

Students must apply for admission online at www.rsu.edu/Apply. If unable to access the application online, contact the Office of Admissions at 918-343-7546, or by visiting any RSU campus in Claremore (Markham Hall), Bartlesville or Pryor.

Admission Categories

Students entering any degree program must meet the admission standards set forth by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. Rogers State University has an open admission policy for associate degree programs. Due to the dual degree-granting role of Rogers State University, admission requirements may vary based on the degree level a student wishes to pursue. The following pages outline the requirements for the Baccalaureate degree, Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in Applied Science.

Baccalaureate Degree

Students seeking regular admission to baccalaureate degree programs must meet the following performance-based admission standards, i.e., 1 and 2; and 3 or 4 or 5.

Minimum admission requirements are as follows:

  1. Meet high school curricular requirements as outlined in the following section.
  2. Be a graduate of an accredited high school or possess a GED (student’s high school class must have graduated)
  3. Attain an ACT or SAT score to rank in the top 50%* based on ACT Oklahoma norms or SAT national norms (2020-2021 ACT = 20; SAT= 10201 or 9402)
  4. Attain a high school GPA** and class rank in the top 50% of high school graduating class (2020-2021 GPA = 2.7).
  5. Attain a high school GPA** in Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education required high school core (2020-2021 GPA = 2.7).

1For SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016.
2For SAT administered before March 5, 2016.
*These scores are reviewed annually by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and are subject to change without further notice.
**The GPA will be defined annually by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to correspond to the rank in class.

Test-Optional Admission

Students seeking test-optional admissions to baccalaureate degree programs must meet all of the following performance-based admission standards.

Minimum test-optional admission requirements are as follows:

  1. Meet high school curricular requirements as outlined in the following section.
  2. Be a graduate of an accredited high school or possess a GED (student’s high school class must have graduated)
  3. Attain a 2.7 or greater unweighted, cumulative high school GPA and class rank in the top 50% of high school graduating class.
  4. Attain a 2.7 or greater unweighted, cumulative high school GPA in Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education required high school core.

Associate in Arts and Associate in Science

Minimum admission requirements are as follows:

  1. Meet high school curricular requirements, as outlined in the following section.
  2. Be a graduate of an accredited high school or possess a GED (student’s high school class must have graduated).
  3. Resolve applicable high school curricular requirement and skills deficiencies within the first 24 credit hours attempted.

Associate in Applied Science & Certificates First-time Freshmen

Minimum admission requirements are as follows:

  1. Meet high school curricular requirements, as outlined in the High School Curricular Requirements section.
  2. Be a graduate of an accredited high school or possess a GED (student’s high school class must have graduated).
  3. Resolve applicable high school curricular requirements and skill deficiencies within the first 24 credit hours attempted.

AAS and Certificate students admitted under this policy may not transfer into an AA, AS, or baccalaureate program without first removing the high school curricular deficiencies.

Transfer Students

Minimum admission requirements are as follows:

  1. Meet high school curricular requirements, as outlined in the High School Curricular Requirements section, and/or show proficiency through college-level coursework.
  2. Be a graduate of an accredited high school or possess a GED (student’s high school class must have graduated).
  3. Be in good standing with the transfer institution.
  4. Resolve all applicable high school curricular requirements and skills deficiencies within the first 12 credit hours attempted.

Academic Admission Policies

First-Time Entering Freshmen Admission

  1. All first-time students must submit for evaluation a high school transcript containing the statement of EOI completion, date of graduation, rank in class, number in graduating class, GPA, and signature of a school official; or a copy of their GED certificate.
  2. ACT or SAT test scores are optional for all first-time entering students. Placement testing is available on campus.
  3. Students must meet the criteria for both the high school curricular requirements and high school performance requirements as defined in the following sections. Students meeting both the high school curricular and the high school performance criteria are eligible for regular or test-optional admission.

High School Curricular Requirements

For admission to Baccalaureate Degrees, Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in Applied Science, first- time entering freshmen must meet the following high school curricular requirements:

15 Required Units (Years)

4 English (Grammar, composition, literature; should include an integrated writing component)
3 Lab Science (Biology, chemistry, physics, or any lab science certified by the school district; General Science with or without a lab may not be used to meet this requirement)
3 Mathematics (algebra I, algebra II, geometry, trigonometry, math analysis, pre-calculus, statistics and probability (must have completed geometry and Algebra II), calculus, Advanced Placement Statistics)
3 History and Citizenship Skills (including one unit of American history and two additional units from the subjects of history, economics, geography, government, non-Western culture)*
2 Additional units of subjects previously listed or selected from: computer science, foreign language, or any Advanced Placement course except applied courses in fine arts.*

*Students with deficiencies in these areas may be admitted as regular students, but will be required to take additional three-hour college-level courses in one of the subject areas listed.

While these curricular requirements will normally be met by students in grades nine through twelve, advanced students who complete these courses in earlier grades will not be required to take additional courses for the purpose of admission.

The English requirements should include an integrated writing component.

The 15 high school units set forth above are required for admission. Students not meeting curricular requirements will be required to prove proficiency through testing or developmental coursework. In addition, the following subjects are recommended for college preparation:

4 Additional Recommended Units (Years)

2 Additional units: Fine Arts-music, art, drama and speech
1 Additional unit: Lab science (as described above)
1 Additional unit: Mathematics (as described above)

Students must resolve any high school curricular and/or skill deficiencies within the first 24 credit hours attempted.

Checking the validity of a high school diploma/transcript

If the Office of Admission has reason to believe that the high school diploma or transcript is not valid or was not obtained from an entity that provides secondary education, they will evaluate the validity of the student’s high school completion. In order to evaluate the validity of the student’s high school completion, the Office of Admission may:

Check with the high school to confirm the validity of the student’s diploma/transcript; and

Confirm with the relevant department or agency in the state in which the secondary school is located that the secondary school is recognized as a provider of secondary school education

High school diplomas/transcripts from other countries are acceptable as long as the diploma is equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma.

Transfer Student Admission

Transfer applicants must submit all official transcripts from ALL colleges attended. A transfer student is defined as an undergraduate student with seven (7) or more attempted credit hours, excluding zero-level credit hours and/or hours earned through concurrent high school enrollment.

A student who wishes to transfer to Rogers State University from another institution may do so if the following conditions are met:

  1. All transfer students must meet the curricular requirements as outlined for new freshman admission.
  2. Nonresident applicants must have made satisfactory progress (an average grade of “C” or better or met RSU’s retention standards, whichever is higher) in the institution from which s/he plans to transfer.
  3. Transfer students must be in good standing with the institution from which they plan to transfer.
  4. Transfer students not meeting the minimum standards for curricular requirements will be required to take placement tests for curricular deficiencies. Deficiencies determined after official assessment must be resolved within the first 12 attempted hours of coursework.
  5. Transfer students must resolve all deficiencies during the first 12 credit hours attempted at RSU.

Transfer Probation

Students who do not meet the academic criteria, including curricular requirements, may be admitted on transfer probation. Students who do not meet retention standards, but have not been formally suspended, may be admitted as “transfer probation” students. Students transferring from other institutions who do not meet retention GPA requirements may be admitted on academic probation. At the end of the semester, the student must have a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher in regularly graded coursework (not to include activity or performance courses) to avoid suspension. Students will remain on academic probation until the retention/graduation GPA is raised to Retention Standards.

Credit Hours Attempted Retention GPA  
0-30 1.7  
              More than 30 2.0  

Returning Student Admission

Former students who have not attended Rogers State University for a period of one fall or spring, or more, must be readmitted before enrollment. An application for readmission and official transcripts of all work attempted since leaving Rogers State University must be filed with the Office of Admissions prior to being considered for readmission. Students admitted after a suspension from RSU may be limited to 12 credit hours of enrollment during their first semester of reenrollment.

Special Admission

Home Study Admission

An individual who is a graduate of a non-public high school that is not accredited by a recognized accrediting agency is eligible for admission to an institution in the State System as follows:

  1. The student must have participated in the ACT or SAT and achieved the requisite composite score, as defined by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, for admission.
  2. The student’s high school class of his or her peers must have graduated.
  3. The student must satisfy the high school curricular requirements as certified by the school, or for home study, or the parent.

Special Non-Degree Seeking Student Admission

Students who wish to enroll in courses and do not intend to pursue a degree may enroll in nine credit hours without sub- mitting academic credentials or meeting the academic curricular or performance requirements. Students may not enroll in courses requiring proficiency (English, reading, mathematics, or science) without meeting proficiency requirements. After earning nine hours, students must meet regular admission requirements to enroll in other coursework. In some cases, students may be asked by academic departments to provide academic credentials or other documentation to enroll in courses that require prerequisite completion or other advanced knowledge.

Should a student decide to pursue degree-seeking status after being admitted with special, non-degree seeking status, the student must apply for full admission no later than the last day of the add period of the semester of entry. Admit statuses will not be changed following the end of the add period of the semester.

Note: Special Non-Degree Seeking students are not eligible for financial aid.

Alternative Admission

Students not meeting other admission criteria may be eligible for Alternative Admission. Consideration for Alternative Admission may be given to students who demonstrate potential for academic success and one or more of the following:

  • Promise in selected field of study, as demonstrated by
    • An ACT sub-score of 23 or better on the exam corresponding to the field of study; or
    • A 3.5 GPA or better and four credits earned in corresponding academic area on high school transcript; or
    • A 3.25 GPA or better and 12 hours earned in corresponding academic area on college transcript; or
    • Successful completion of rigorous internship in field of study and letter of recommendation; or
    • Successful completion of technology center program in field of study and letter of recommendation.
  • Unusual talent, as demonstrated by talent-based scholarship
  • Previous economic hardship, as demonstrated by financial aid
  • Previous educational hardship, as demonstrated by documentation of such.

The following items may be used to evaluate potential for academic success:

  • High school and/or college GPA
  • Rigor of high school and/or college course load
  • Standardized test such as ACT or SAT
  • University-administered placement exams
  • Number of academic deficiencies

Students requesting Alternative Admission will be reviewed on an individual basis.

Adult Admission

Students not meeting other admission criteria may be eligible for Adult Admission. Consideration for Adult Admission may be given to students who are 21 years of age or older or are on active military duty. Students applying for Adult Admission must complete the ACT or a similar standardized test and be one of the following:

  • High school graduate; or
  • GED recipient whose high school class has graduated; or
  • Non-high school graduate whose class has graduated.

In addition, the following items may be used to evaluate potential for academic success:

  • High school and/or college GPA
  • University-administered placement exams
  • Special work experience relative to desired field of study
  • Special licensing relative to desired field of study
  • Personal statement of educational preparation for the intended educational objective.

Students requesting Adult Admission will be reviewed on an individual basis.

Opportunity Admission

Students who have not graduated from high school whose composite standard score on the ACT places them at the 99th percentile (2020-2021 ACT=32) of all students using Oklahoma norms, or whose combined verbal and mathematical score on the SAT places them at the 99th percentile (2020-2021 SAT=1450) of all students using national norms, may apply for full enrollment. Admissibility is based on test scores, evaluation of the student’s level of maturity and ability to function in the adult college environment, and whether the experience will be in the best interest of the student intellectually and socially.

Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent enrollment provides eligible high school students an opportunity to enroll in college courses and earn dual credit.

Eligibility Requirements

A junior or senior or high school student may, if meeting the requirements set forth below, be admitted provisionally to Rogers State University. A student who does not meet the criteria below may submit a request for an exception to enroll in a specific course in which the student has demonstrated exceptional ability, to be granted only with the approval of OSRHE.

Students who wish to enroll in courses under the Concurrent Enrollment policy must provide:

  • Application for Admission
  • High school transcript
  • Scores from acceptable exam* at or above the requirements specified by OSRHE; or unweighted high school GPA of 3.00
  • Signed form from a parent or legal guardian stating that he/she is eligible to satisfy requirements for graduation from high school (including curricular requirements for college admission) no later than the spring of the senior year
  • Written permission from a parent or legal guardian
  • For placement into courses, ACT, SAT, Pre-ACT or PSAT10 sub-scores at or above the requirements specified by OSRHE (placement exams are available for students not meeting these requirements)

*Acceptable exams for concurrent admission include:

  • National ACT
  • National SAT
  • Pre-ACT (10th grade)
  • PSAT10
  • ACT on campus (a minimum of 60 days between On-Campus retests), must be taken at RSU.
  • Other as approved by OSRHE

Students from Accredited High Schools

Students from an accredited high school must meet one of the criteria listed below:

  • National ACT: 19
  • Pre-ACT (10th grade): 19
  • Residual ACT1: 19
  • SAT: 9902/9003
  • PSAT10: 9902/9003
  • Unweighted high school GPA 3.0

Home Schooled Students and Students from Unaccredited High Schools

Home schooled students and students from unaccredited high schools must have completed enough high school coursework to be equivalent to an individual who is classified as a junior or senior from an accredited high school and meet one of the following:

  • National ACT: 19
  • Pre-ACT (10th grade): 19
  • Residual ACT1: 19
  • SAT: 9902/9003
  • PSAT10: 9902/9003

Course Placement and Enrollment

Curricular Requirements

Concurrent students must demonstrate college readiness in a particular subject area to be eligible to enroll in a college level course in the corresponding subject area. A high school student not demonstrating college readiness in science reasoning, mathematics, or English will not be permitted enrollment in the corresponding college subject area. A student who is unable to demonstrate college readiness in reading will not be permitted enrollment in any other collegiate course (outside the subjects of science, mathematics, and English). Concurrent students may not enroll in any form of developmental education, including any configuration in which developmental education is embedded within a credit bearing course. A concurrent student must demonstrate college readiness by meeting one of the criteria below:

Curricular Area ACT Pre-ACT (10th Grade) Residual ACT1 SAT2 PSAT102 RSU Placement Test
English4 19
Evidence-based Reading & Writing
Evidence-based Reading & Writing
Next Generation Accuplacer
Math4 19
Next Generation Accuplacer
Reading4 19
Evidence-based Reading & Writing
Evidence-based Reading & Writing
Next Generation Accuplacer
Science4 19
N/A N/A 56
Stanford Test of Academic Skills in Science

^Scores are reviewed regularly by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and RSU and are subject to change without further notice.
1 ACT on campus per year (a minimum of 60 days between On-Campus retests) is valid for admission and course placement.
2For SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016.
3For SAT administered before March 5, 2016.
4Meet one of the requisite measures.


A high school student admitted under the provisions set forth may enroll in a combined number of high school and college courses per semester not to exceed a full-time college workload of 19 semester credit hours. A student may enroll in a maximum of nine semester credit hours during a summer session or term without the necessity of being concurrently enrolled in high school classes during the summer term. For purposes of calculating workload, one-half high school unit shall be equivalent to three semester credit hours of college work. Non-academic high school units are excluded from the workload calculation. (“Non-academic high school units” are high school units earned through participating in school sponsored activities or providing clerical support. These units may include, but are not limited to, credit that is awarded by virtue of serving as an office or library aide or participating in school sponsored teams, clubs, or organizations.) Students wishing to exceed these limits may petition for an exception. The workload may not exceed the number of semester credit hours 50% greater than the number of weeks in the applicable semester.

Academic Calendar

Concurrently enrolled students shall be subject to the higher education institution’s academic calendar.

Continuing Enrollment

High school students concurrently enrolled in college courses may continue concurrent enrollment in subsequent semesters if they achieve a retention college GPA of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale. If a concurrent enrollment student’s retention GPA falls within the range that requires one to be placed on academic probation, as designated in the RSU Bulletin, the academic probationary status shall be notated on the academic transcript. A concurrent student who fails to achieve the requisite 2.0 retention GPA shall not be eligible for concurrent enrollment at any State System institution. Following high school graduation, a student who has been concurrently enrolled as a high school student may be admitted to the original institution of concurrent enrollment or another institution in the State System if the student meets the college or university’s entrance requirements, including the high school curriculum requirements, and subject to the State Regents’ retention standards. An incoming freshman whose cumulative GPA was below 2.0 as a concurrent student will be admitted on probation. Refer to the Retention and Readmission Policies section of this Bulletin for more information on probation.

Dual Credit

Pursuant to 70 O.S. 628.13, when a student earns college credit through concurrent enrollment, school districts shall provide academic credit for any concurrently enrolled higher education courses that are correlated with the academic credit awarded by the institution of higher education. Academic credit shall only be transcripted as elective credit if there is no correlation between the concurrent enrollment higher education course and a course provided by the school district.

International Student Admission

International students who have completed their secondary education or equivalent may be eligible for admission to Rogers State University in a fall and spring semester. International applications for summer will not be accepted. The student will need to complete an Application for Admission at www.rsu.edu, and provide the following information:

  1. Official transcripts from all schools attended.
    1. Official high school transcript with English translation. High school GPA must be at least 2.7 US GPA on a 4.0 US scale.
    2. All official transcripts with an official stamp or seal on the documents from all current and previous colleges or universities attended and/or submit an attested copy verified by an authorized agency. Cumulative transfer GPA must be at least 2.0 US GPA on a 4.0 US scale.
    3. If the official transcript is issued by an institution in a language other than English, RSU requires the official, original language document as well as an official, or certified, English translation from an authorized credential evaluation service/agency.
    4. Transfer students may also be asked to provide course syllabi and/or descriptions for evaluation.
  2. Complete the Rogers State University International I-20 Packet
    1. Sign and submit the Financial Guarantee for International Admission located on page 8 of the I-20 Packet.
    2. Submit proof of financial support in the form of a bank statement signed or other approved financial document as listed on the Financial Guarantee form. The bank statement must be no more than 90 days old when submitted and must show a liquid balance equaling at least the amount of the first year of expenses.
    3. Submit F-1 Student Responsibilities Agreement located on page 5 of the I-20 Packet.
  3. Demonstrate English proficiency, if English is a second language, in one of the following ways:
    1. Graduate from an accredited high school in one of the following countries: Anguilla; Antigua & Barbuda; Australia; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize (British Honduras); Bermuda; British Virgin Islands; Canada (except Quebec); Channel Islands; Dominica; Falkland Island; Grenada; Guam (U.S. Citizens); Guemsey; Guyana (not Ghana in Africa); Ireland; Jamaica; Jersey; Mauritius; Montserray; New Zealand; St. Kitts and Nevis (St. Christopher and Nevis); St. Lucia; St. Vincent and the Grenadines; South Africa; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland); U.S. Virgin Islands, West African.”
    2. Official TOEFL score of 500+ on the written examination, or
    3. Official TOEFL score of 173+ on the computerized examination, or
    4. Official TOEFL score or 61+ on the Internet- based examination, or
    5. Official TOEFL score of 460+ on the written examination, 140+ on the computerized examination or 48+ on the Internet-based examination and successful completion of a 12-week Intensive English Program (IEP) approved by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to be immediately followed by enrollment at RSU, or
    6. Nursing Programs: Official TOEFL score of 85 on the internet-based examination (TOEFL iBT) with a sub-score of 26 for speaking.
  4. Provide a copy of a Visa and Passport.
  5. Submit a valid I-20 if already a student in the United States.
  6. Submit proof of housing deposit for on-campus housing or proof of other arrangements.
  7. Supply documentation of immunization against hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), or waiver.
  8. Submit Statement of Understanding as part of the online application.
  9. Students are automatically enrolled in the International Insurance Plan if enrolled full-time.
  10. Transfer students are also required to provide:
    1. A valid I-94
    2. A copy of their U.S. transfer transcript
    3. SEVIS transfer request form
    4. A valid I-20 (Transfer students can provide, with written verification, a copy of their original I-20 from their transferring institution.)

International transfer students are evaluated by the same academic standards as other transfer students.

Non-Academic Admission Policies

Rogers State University may consider the following non- academic criteria in admitting first-time, transfer, or returning students:

  1. Whether applicants have been expelled, suspended, denied admission, or denied readmission by any other educational institution.
  2. Whether applicants have been convicted of a felony or convicted of any lesser crime involving moral turpitude. As the review of these applications can take some time, applicants with past felony convictions should apply at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which they want to take courses. Additionally, given the complexity of coursework delivery, RSU is unable to offer admission to students currently incarcerated.
  3. Whether the applicant’s conduct has been such that, if the applicant was a student at the time of the conduct in question, the conduct would have been grounds for expulsion, suspension, dismissal, or denial of readmission at Rogers State University.

Entry-Level Assessment: Basic Skills Testing and Placement

Rogers State University provides a program of basic skills testing and several developmental courses that are designed to help students enhance their proficiency in the basic skill areas of English, mathematics, reading, and science. Students required to enroll in these courses will ultimately benefit by having stronger skills in these important academic abilities.

Participation in basic skills assessment and/or developmental coursework is required for placement purposes if a first-time freshman has below the following sub-scores on the ACT:

English below 19*
Mathematics below 19*
Reading below 19*
Science below 19*

Students’ basic skills assessment may also be evaluated using the SAT. Participation in basic skills assessment and/or developmental coursework is required for placement purposed if a first-time freshman has below the following SAT scores:

English - Below 510 on Evidence-based Reading and Writing*
Math - Below 510 on Math*
Reading - Below 510 on Evidence-based Reading and Writing*
Science As the SAT does not test in Science, a placement test may be required.

*These scores are reviewed annually by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and are subject to change without further notice. Contact the Office of Admissions for current admission/assessment standards.

Transfer students’ proficiency may be evaluated based on the above ACT/SAT criteria and transfer coursework.

If the appropriate sub-score is not earned on the ACT or SAT, a student may participate in additional placement testing. In this case, a score on the ACCUPLACER or Stanford Test of Academic Skills in Science taken at RSU may demonstrate basic skills proficiency in that academic area. If the required score is not attained, the student must enroll in the appropriate developmental course(s) to gain basic skills proficiency. These courses must be completed within the first 24(first- time freshmen) or 12(transfer) credit hours attempted; otherwise, future enrollments by the student will be limited to only the required zero-level courses until successful completion. A grade of “C” or higher is required to clear a developmental course requirement.

RSU offers placement exams for English, math, reading, and science for incoming students who do not meet proficiency requirements established by OSRHE and the University. Exams testing in English, math, and reading are administered through ACCUPLACER®. The exam testing in science is the Stanford Test of Academic Skills in Science. These exams are available free of charge in the RSU Testing Center on any of our three campuses. Accuplacer is free for prospective RSU students only. There is a $5 charge per retake of any Accuplacer exam. Any remote Accuplacer testing that we do for another institution will cost that student $20 per exam.

The ACCUPLACER® is administered nationally, allowing RSU to facilitate the completion of the exam at locations other than RSU in certain circumstances. For out-of-state residents or students otherwise at a location which places an undue burden to test on campus, RSU participates in the College Board’s Remote Proctoring Network. This is a nationwide network of campuses with testing centers qualified to administer the ACCUPLACER® exam. Students interested in taking the ACCUPLACER® exam somewhere other than an RSU campus must first contact the RSU Testing Center to make arrangements. The RSU Testing Center can assist students in locating the nearest authorized location and pre-register students to take the exam. Once a permissible test site is located, RSU will provide students with further instructions about scheduling the exam with that institution. The student is responsible for any fees charged by the remote testing facility.

Graduate Admissions Requirements

Master of Business Administration

To be considered for admission to the MBA program,

interested students must complete the following:

  • Submit the RSU Application for MBA Admission
  • Provide official transcripts from all institutionally accredited undergraduate and graduate institutions previously attended
  • International Students are required to submit further documentation, see International Student Admission. (This is an online program, so international students might not qualify.)

All documentation should be submitted to:
Rogers State University
Office of Admissions, Markham Hall
1701 W Will Rogers Blvd
Claremore, OK 74017

Questions regarding admission into the program should be directed to the MBA Program Coordinator at 918-343-6819.

MBA Admission Standards

Multiple criteria are considered when evaluating a student for admission to the MBA program. Criteria may include the following:

Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: A degree in a business-related field is recommended. Applicants with a degree in a field other than business are required to complete the business preparatory course with a grade of B or better or an equivalent graduate level course from an institutionally accredited university. Credit for this course will not count toward the 36-hour program requirement. International credentials must be evaluated by an authorized credential, or certified, English translation.

GPA: Business Graduate with GPA of 3.0 or above is fully admitted. Non-Business Major with a 3.0 or above must complete the business preparatory course. The Graduate Admissions Committee will review all applicants with a cumulative GPA less than 3.0. Some applicants may be provisionally admitted until preparatory course is successfully completed. If provisionally admitted, the student can take up to six credit hours while completing the business preparatory course or any other committee recommendations.

Accelerated BSBA to MBA

Undergraduate students at RSU may be considered for admission to an accelerated master’s degree program while still completing undergraduate degree requirements. The program encourages students to complete graduate level work as undergraduates and allows up to 12 hours of graduate-level courses to be applied to both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs thus reducing the total time for completion of the MBA. Students applying to the accelerated degree program (ADP) must do so during their junior year. Before students enroll in any graduate coursework, they must be provisionally admitted to the MBA program.

Admissions Requirements and Procedures

  • Must have 90 credit hours completed toward the bachelor’s degree with a minimum of twelve hours completed in the business core field of study. Total hours include credits earned from advanced placement and prior learning assessment.
  • Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA.
  • Transfer students must have completed a minimum of twelve hours at RSU.
  • Complete an Accelerated Degree Program application.
  • Apply to the MBA program. Qualifying students will be admitted to the MBA program provisionally.
  • Upon successful completion of the Bachelor’s degree, students will be fully admitted to the MBA program.
  • Once admitted to the ADP, students will meet with an ADP/MBA advisor to determine a plan of study for completion of both degrees and submit the dual level credit form.

Accelerated Degree Program Policy

  • Students admitted into the ADP program will complete up to 12 hours of graduate level credit to apply toward both the undergraduate and graduate degrees.
  • In all graduate level coursework, students will be graded as a graduate student but will remain classified as an undergraduate student.
  • Once admitted to the ADP, all graduate and undergraduate coursework will contribute to a student’s full-time status and they will remain eligible for undergraduate scholarships, financial aid, and campus housing. The aid may be applied toward graduate level coursework credited toward the completion of the undergraduate degree.
  • Tuition rates will be applied per course based on undergraduate and graduate designation.
  • No more than one C may be earned in MBA courses. If a student makes a second “C” the course may count toward the bachelor’s degree but they will become ineligible to continue in the ADP.
  • If the overall GPA falls below 3.0, the student will be removed from the ADP. Readmission to the ADP will not be permitted.
  • Once the bachelor’s degree is awarded, students in the ADP will be eligible for graduate funding (scholarships, financial aid, graduate assistantships, etc.)
  • If a student withdraws from the ADP, earned graduate coursework will apply toward the undergraduate degree only.

Master of Science in Community Counseling

To be considered for admission to the MSCC program, interested students must submit the following:

  • Submit the RSU Application for MSCC Admission
  • Provide official transcripts from all institutionally accredited undergraduate and graduate institutions previously attended
    • Resume or Vitae
    • Letter of Intent/Personal Statement
    • Three (3) letters of recommendation
    • International Students are required to submit further documentation, see International Student Admission.

All documentation should be submitted to:
Rogers State University
Office of Admissions, Markham Hall
1701 W Will Rogers Blvd
Claremore, OK 74017

Questions regarding admission into the program should be directed to the MSCC Director at 918-343-7835.

MSCC Admission Standards

Multiple criteria are considered when evaluating a student for admission to the MSCC program. Criteria may include the following:

Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: A degree in a counseling related field is recommended. International credentials must be evaluated by an authorized credential, or certified, English translation.

GPA: Bachelors graduate with GPA of 3.0 or above can be fully admitted. The MSCC Graduate Admissions Committee will review all applicants. Some applicants may be provisionally admitted if not meeting other requirements at the discretion of the MSCC Graduate Admissions Committee. If provisionally admitted, the student can take up to six credit hours while completing committee recommendations.